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WIP 8-Bit Palette Generation Tool

Unreal Cheese, aka Sonic Cheese, aka the Sound of Cheesiness, aka Chee-Z BeatZ

Test Page

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Protip: Leave this page open in another tab to listen to SID music while exploring the rest of the site.

Danger, Will Copyright!

These excellent SID tunes are called "Let's Go" and "Eager to Play" respectively, and they were composed by Kamil Wolnikowski, aka Jammer, who also happens to be a SID artist that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys SID music. Note this mention was not sponsored or solicited in any way; this is purely me spreading the word about an artist I personally enjoy.

These tracks were obtained from the freely available High Voltage SID Collection which claims in it's FAQ that it obtains it's tracks from public domain sources. I don't fully trust that, however, so I would caution against treating these tracks as public domain. These tracks are making an appearance here solely to demonstrate the SID playing functionality. If Jammer happens upon this and would prefer I take this down, please email me and I will do so.

Nifty one-liners

Useful bits of code on a single line.

One line Shuffle Music Player

find -name "*.sid" | shuf -n 1 | xargs mplayer

One line shuffle music player for SID music. Can easily work for different types of music by changing the SID file extension. The only "odd" dependency is mplayer for actually playing the files, but that can also be replaced with any other music playing program that supports them.

Find and replace multiple lines of text in multiple files

??? | perl -0pe 's/search/replace/g'

>Still working on the best way to generalize this.